Northover Hall

The parish has had many generous parishioners over the years who have funded improvements to the buildings and facilities. Mr Charles Leslie was one such parishioner who funded the bell, the original organ and the Sexton’s lodge (1870) and a larger Parochial Hall (around 1883) built as a major extension to the School building and which is still the fabric of the present main hall.

In 1999 the whole complex was upgraded and extended, and a new school building added, with an upper level covered link to the Church. The Northover Bequest was a major source of finance for this project, which now enables the Parish to offer facilities to a wide spectrum of community organisations, and provides a very real and concrete link between the church itself and the school and parish buildings and activities.


The very active use of the Northover Hall is testament to outreach and practical action, whether singing on a Wednesday afternoon with the DARA choir, being able to socialise at 3 months + on a Tuesday morning, crafting, painting or debating the literary merits of books, scouting, drama, bowling, eating excellent brack while taking a break for the carefully selected movie at Film Club.

The social life of the parish and community is facilitated and enjoyed.

Many of the parish groups using the hall are listed on our Activities page.

Rent the hall

If you’d like to rent the hall on a regular basis for your group, please fill in our short online enquiry form and we will get back to you. If you need further information, please contact the Parish Office:


The Hall is an attractive spacious room with a high vaulted ceiling with large windows all along one side. It is very well equipped for a range of uses. It has a stage at one end and a wooden floor.

As well as the main hall, the Gallery Room upstairs can be used for smaller meetings.

There is a well equipped kitchen.