Flowers Guild
When you think of a Church your mind naturally goes to flowers; step forward St. Patrick’s Flower Guild. A rather grand title for an enthusiastic group of amateur arrangers. None of us are professional arrangers but we use our own style to welcome worshippers each Sunday. The commitment is small, arrangers are only called on twice per year. For festivals; Christmas, Easter, Harvest, the team works together. Once finished we gather over coffee and biscuits to admire the work. Pop in and have a peek… we’d love you to join us. We look after new recruits so you won’t be left on your own until you feel ready. If you’d like to help, give your name to the Parish Office and we’ll get in touch!
Film Socials
Members and friends of the parish gather once a month in the winter for easy watching (if sometimes thought provoking) film dramas; combining entertainment, a cup of tea and the opportunity for a chat, in the gallery room, upstairs in the Northover Hall. Previous movies include “The King’s Speech”, “Woman in Gold”, “The Greatest Showman”, “Where the Crawdads Sing”, “Bank of Dave” and, recently, “Maudie”. Contact: Peter Kerruish 086 3833933
Book Club
All are welcome to join us for discussion of some great books. We meet approximately every 4 – 6 weeks from September to June with a break for the Summer. Here are the books we read in the past year:
- 2023-09 The Colony Audrey Magee
- 2023-10 Death and the Penguin Andrey Kurkov
- 2023-11 The Lincoln Highway Amor Towles
- 2024-01 Did Ye Hear Mammy Died? Seamas O’Reilly
- 2024-02 The Marriage Portrait Maggie O’Farrell
- 2024-03 The Rose Code Kate Quinn
- 2024-04 Being Mortal Atul Gawande
- 2024-06 The Stolen Village Des Ekin
Contact: Deirdre Deverell 086 803 4531