St Patrick’s Church Dalkey
We are an Anglican church, situated in the heritage town of
Dalkey in South County Dublin.
We are an Anglican church, situated in the heritage town of
Dalkey in South County Dublin.
Midweek Worship
Communion Service is held once a fortnight and the dates for this can be confirmed with the front desk there. Rev Ruth is the Church of Ireland chaplain for the facility and is more than happy to call to see anyone in between services. Contact may be made through Our Lady’s Manor or directly with the Rector.
The Parish is active on Facebook – give us a Like!
The best way to know what’s coming up is through our mailing list. We send a short email “Church Service Details For The Week Ahead” on Thursday morning and a monthly magazine the first week of each month, which also has reports of recent events.
Please contact the Parish Office to subscribe.
For all Community Events please Click Here.
Our weekly email goes out on Thursday and has services for the coming week and any upcoming event. The St Patrick’s Dalkey Monthly Newsletter (a.k.a. “Contact”) is published the first week of each month.
Contact was started in the late 50’s by John Challender. It was typed on the stencils of an old Gestetner duplicating machine.These days most people receive it by email and read it online, but you can pick up a printed copy at the church. Sign up to keep up to date with what’s going on! Subscribe by clicking the link below.